Advanced BAT to EXE Converter has additional Advanced Commands not included with regular batch files.


A few examples are commands to launch any program invisible, use mouse buttons and display ascii graphics.


Click a command for a better description and usage information.




  • Add two numbers.


  • Use Windows Common Dialog box to browse for a file.


  • Use Windows Common Dialog box to browse for a folder.


  • Center the batch file window on the screen.


  • Set the color will print to the screen.


  • Set the text color to the default colors.


  • Close any application Window.


  • Hide the blinking text cursor.


  • Show the blinking text cursor.


  • Divide a number by another number.


  • Load an ASCII animation created by the Graphic Wizard.


  • Generate a random number.


  • Input a string of text to a variable.


  • Count the length of a string variable.


  • Input a string of text to a variable while hiding the input on the screen. Useful for passwords.


  • Find the percent of a number compared to the MAX value.


  • Check to see if one number is greater than another number.


  • Hide the batch file window during run time.


  • Hide any application using the Window Title.


  • Launch any application completely invisible.


  • Check to see if one number is less than another number.


  • Limit a decimal number to a certain number of decimal places.


  • Position the text cursor at the specified coordinates on the screen. Useful for printing text anywhere.


  • Position the text cursor at the specified coordinates on the screen. Accepts relative (-2 +3) coordinates.


  • Change a decimal number to an integer.


  • Change a string of text to lowercase.


  • Change a string of text to UPPERCASE.


  • Allows the use of the mouse within your batch file. Create clickable buttons.


  • Multiply two numbers.


  • Print a graphical box centered on the console screen. Two borders available.


  • Change the background color of the batch file window.


  • Print a graphical box on the screen at the supplied coordinates.


  • Print a graphical box on the screen at the supplied coordinates.


  • Prints color text centered on the console screen.


  • Prints color text where the text cursor is. Does not print a RETURN afterwards as ECHO does.


  • Prints color text at the specified coordinates. Does not print a RETURN afterwards.


  • Prints a RETURN on the screen. This will send the text cursor to the first column on the next row.


  • Prints a SPACE on the screen where the text cursor is positioned.


  • Paints 1 of 4 different text patterns in the form of a box at the specified coordinates.


  • Makes the batch file console window reappear during run time. Useful if compiled as Invisible.


  • Show any hidden running application window by specifying the window tile.


  • Subtract a number from another number.


  • The batch file script will wait the specified number of milliseconds before running the next command.



Extended Functions Usage

Tip #1 - You MUST use the prefix "rem " for the compiler to recognize the Advanced Commands. There must be only one space between REM and the Advanced Command or it will remain a COMMENT.

    rem HideSelf
    rem   HideSelf

Tip #2 - Advanced Commands with the "At" suffix (graphical commands) will hide the console cursor.
    The cursor is hidden so you can string graphical commands together without the cursor blinking on the screen.
    You may want to use the CursorShow command after you use these commands.



rem Add [Number1] [Number2]

     Adds two numbers and returns the result in the variable %result%.

rem BrowseFiles [ ??? Optional_File_Extention ] [ %~dps0 Optional_Start_Path ]

     Use Windows Common Dialog box to browse for a file. Use %~dps0 for the Start_Path to browse in the EXE path. Selected file is stored in variable %result%.

rem BrowseFolder 

     Use a Windows Dialog to browse for a folder. Selected folder is stored in the variable %result%.

rem CenterSelf 

     Center the console window on the screen.

rem ChangeColor [Integer_FGcolor(0-15)] [Int_BGcolor(0-15)]

     Changes the color text will be printed on the screen.

rem ClearColor 

     Changes the color text will be printed on the screen back to default colors (FG=7 BG=0).

rem CloseWindow "Window_Title"

     Close an application window. You must know the window title. Surround the Window_Title with quotes. Watch for double spaces.

rem CursorHide 

     Hides the blinking cursor on the console window.

rem CursorShow 

     Shows the blinking cursor on the console window.

rem Divide [Number1] [Number2]

     Divides Number1 by Number2 and returns the result in the variable %result%.

rem FastCMD [Slot(1-9)]

     Embed Graphic Wizard File (Saved Slot 1-9).

rem GenRandom [MaxInteger]

     Generates a random integer no larger than MaxInteger and returns the number in the variable %result%.

rem GetInput 

     Lets the user type input and returns the result in the variable %result%.

rem GetLength [Text]

     Returns the length of text in the integer variable %result%.

rem GetMasked 

     Lets the user type input (MASKED for passwords) and returns the result in the variable %result%.

rem GetPercent [Number1] [Number2]

     Finds the percent [Number1] out of [Number2] and returns the result in the variable %result%.

rem GreaterThan [Number1] [Number2]

     If Number1 >= Number2 (Greater than or equal to) returns 1 if true and a 0 if false in the variable %result%.

rem Hideself 

     Allows the compiled batch file window to go invisible and run in the background.

rem HideWindow "Window_Title"

     Hide any window on the screen. You must know the window title. Surround the Window_Title with quotes. Watch for double spaces.

rem LaunchSilent [Text_Filename] [Options(or "" )] [Int_WaitTillFinish(1or0)]

     Launches any executable completely silent. Use double quotes "" if no options. Wait(1=YES 0=NO)
     Filename and path cannot contain spaces. Recommend Embedding the target EXE. Use %MYFILES%\filename.exe to launch it.
     If you must run an App with spaces in the path, use CD command to change the current directory then just enter the EXE filename without path.

rem LessThan [Number1] [Number2]

     If Number1 <= Number2 (Less than or equal to) returns 1 if true and a 0 if false in the variable %result%.

rem LimitDecimal [DecimalNumber] [Integer_X]

     Limits the DecimalNumber to X number decimal places and returns the result to the variable %result%.

rem Locate [Integer_Y(1-25)] [Int_X(1-80)]

     Moves the cursor Y number of spaces down and X number of spaces right from the top left corner.

rem LocateAt [Integer_Y(1-25)] [Int_X(1-80)]

     Hides Cursor. Moves the cursor Y number of spaces down and X number of spaces right from the top left corner.

rem MakeInteger [DecimalNumber]

     Makes the DecimalNumber an integer and returns the result in the variable %result%.

rem MakeLower [Text]

     Makes the text all lowercase and returns the text in the variable %result%.

rem MakeUpper [Text]

     Makes the text all UPPERCASE and returns the text in the variable %result%.

rem MouseCmd [ x1,y1,x2,y2 ]

     Create a button/hotspot that can be clicked with the mouse. Separate multiple buttons with a space.
     Compile "rem MouseCMD GET" to get the coordinates of your buttons at run-time. They are stored in the clipboard.
     The variable %result% will return which button number was pressed. See example.

rem Multiply [Number1] [Number2]

     Multiplies two numbers and returns the result in the variable %result%.

rem PaintBoxAt [Integer_Y] [Int_X] [Int_Height] [Int_Width] [Int_BGcolor(0-15)]

     Hides Cursor. Paints a box on the screen at the Y X coordinates with the specified dimensions and BGcolor.

rem PaintScreen [Integer_BGcolor(0-15)]

     Paints the screen the selected integer background color.

rem PrintBox [Integer_Height] [Int_Width] [Int_BorderType(1or2)]

     Prints a box centered on the screen with the specified border type.

rem PrintBoxAt [Integer_Y] [Int_X] [Int_Height] [Int_Width] [Int_Border(1or2)]

     Hides Cursor. Prints a box on the screen at the Y X coordinates with the specified dimensions and border type.

rem PrintCenter [Text] [Integer_Y(1-25)] [Int_FGcolor(0-15)] [Int_BGcolor(0-15)]

     Prints one centered line of text on screen with the specified colors in the row Y.

rem PrintColor [Text] [Integer_FGcolor(0-15)] [Int_BGcolor(0-15)]

     Prints text on the screen with the specified colors without printing a Return after. Use PrintReturn command if you must.

rem PrintColorAt [Text] [Int_Y] [Int_X] [Int_FGcolor(0-15)] [Int_BGcolor(0-15)]

     Hides Cursor. Prints colored text on the screen at the Y X coordinates without printing a Return. Use PrintReturn.

rem PrintReturn 

     Moves cursor down a line.

rem PrintSpace 

     Moves the cursor a space to the right.

rem ShadeBoxAt [Int_Y] [Int_X] [Int_Height] [Int_Width] [Int_ShadeType(1-4)]

     Hides Cursor. Shades a box on the screen at the Y X coordinates with the specified dimensions.

rem ShowSelf 

     Allows the compiled batch file window to reappear after going invisible with HideSelf.

rem ShowWindow "Window_Title"

     Reveal a hidden window. You must know the window title. Surround the Window_Title with quotes. Watch for double spaces.

rem Subtract [Number1] [Number2]

     Subtracts Number2 from Number1 and returns the result in the variable %result%.

rem Wait [Integer_Milliseconds]

     Waits the specified number of milliseconds before continuing (1000 = 1 second).